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Basic tips

A list of short tips for easy small byte saves:

Numbered parameters

This feature introduced in Ruby 2.7 allows you to drop the block parameter:

[1,2,3].map{|x|p x}
[1,2,3].map{p _1}

[[1,2],[3,4]].map{|x,y|p x+y}
[[1,2],[3,4]].map{p _1+_2}

Beware, however, as they have certain limitations in nested loops:{|x|{|y|p x+y}}  # OK{|x|{p x+_1}}    # OK{{|y|p _1+y}}    # NOT OK{{p _1+_2}}      # (VERY) NOT OK

Chaining expressions

Ruby has a strange feature that allows you to chain expressions in an obfuscated way. This allows for things like:

# ->

Magic variables

Certain predefined variables like $. or $* can be abused to omit the initialization of an extra variable:

# `$.` is always initialized to 0
n=0;9.times{p n+=_1}

# `$*` (a.k.a. ARGV) is an empty list if no arguments are given
a=[];9.times{puts (a<<_1)*' '}
9.times{puts ($*<<_1)*' '}

Two other variables that are less used, but can still be useful are $/, which is "\n" by default, and $0, which is "-" by default (on

Subscripting integers

To get the ith bit of an integer, simply use the subscript operator:


Subscripts can be extended to work with ranges as well. For example, n[2..5] gives the binary bits from 2 to 5, as a decimal integer.


Splatting is very flexible, and can be used in a multitude of ways. It is particularly good for grabbing the first/last/middle elements of array:

a,*b,c=*1..5  # a=1, b=[2,3,4], c=5
a,*,c=*1..5   # a=1, c=5
a,=*1..5      # a=1
*,c=*1..5     # c=5

You can also use it to print an array of numbers, each on its own line, with

p *a

Note that you would use puts on an array of strings, but it doesn't require splatting:

# Functionally identical
puts *a
puts a

Operator methods

Operators can in fact be used as methods. For example, 1+2*3 may be written as 1.+(2.*(3)). The precedence changes when using it is used this way, which sometimes saves a byte:


String conversion

There are some neat ways to do string conversion, involving array multiplication. For example, say that you wanted to concatenate a number to a string:


If you simply want to convert a number to a string, there is also a shorter way, but it involves an already-present string variable:

[n]*s   # Assumes a defined string variable `s`

filter vs grep

By passing a lambda into grep, it can behave like a filter. This allows for a 2-byte save:


The downside is that the precedence of the grep version is pretty wacky, which makes it less useful.

Looping a constant amount

In general, n.times or eval''*n is the shortest way to loop n times. But with clever use of predefined variables, shorter alternatives exist that loop a predetermined amount:

${}   # 8
$:.max{}   # 7
$:.sort{}  # 16
$".map{}   # 45
$".max{}   # 44
$".sort{}  # 506

# These two hold a block parameter, which contains the current index, like `.times`
$:.fill{}  # 8 (same length as `9.times`, so what's the point?)
$".fill{}  # 45

Note that the amount of iterations illustrated above are specific to In the case of max and sort, the return value within the block must be a number, otherwise it will cause an error.

Obscuring 1.upto

A rather specific (and rare) example in which combining eval and $. can match the length of 1.upto:

eval'p$.if pred($.+=1);'*n

It should be noted that there are situations where the latter is shorter, such as if the space between if and pred can be reused.


2:1 packer



Note: the code size must be divisible by 2 for the compressor to work. If not, adding a trailing space should suffice.

puts CODE.force_encoding('utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
puts CODE.encode('utf-8', 'utf-16le')


Note: the overhead is 27 characters so your uncompressed code must be over 54 characters to get a benefit.


3:1 packer



Use the code in the Python tips (change [101, 102, 103] to [97, 98, 99])


r="";"...".chars{|c|97.upto(99){r<<c.ord%_1+32}};eval r