K is like APL with fewer built-ins. The syntax is ASCII-only, and most built-in functions are heavily overloaded single bytes of ASCII punctuation.

There are several implementations with subtly varying behavior. code.golf uses ngn/k, which is documented with the reference card found under "help" at the online interpreter. If you're new to K (and J, APL, etc...), this style of documentation might not be very helpful, but other learning material is available:


Let's look at a program that outputs all of the input arguments with their length appended to them: `0:{x,$#x}'x

(Try it on United States: it outputs Nebraska8 Rhode Island12…)

           x    Get the list of inputs.
   {     }'     Apply some lambda function to each input.
                ({} makes a lambda, and the adverb ' means each.)
    x   x       Inside a monad lambda, "x" refers to the single argument.
       #        Monad # means "length"
      $         Monad $ means "convert to string"
     ,          Dyad , means "concatenate"
`0:             Output the list of strings line by line.
                0: is a dyadic writing-lines-to-a-file verb,
                and the left argument ` (the empty symbol) means "write to STDOUT".

You can see that K is essentially read and written "right-to-left", much like J and APL. x,$#x means (x,($(#x))). There's no operator precedence.

Golf tips

Type Null Meaning
int 0N $-2^{63}$
float 0n NaN
char " " space
function :: identity function
symbols ` empty symbol

Base Conversion

These come up a lot, almost in every other problem. A few ideas can be found on the APL tips and J tips page on StackExchange, so here is a quick translation table:

Convert from base / #.
Convert to base \ #: or #.inv or ⊥⍣¯1
28+,/4\">>/"  / days in a month (the string is `c$62 11 62 47)

Undocumented Features

The reference card included with ngn/K skips on a few later additions to the language.


This overload of ' combines multiple vectors using a selection list. The operand is a list of integers in $[0,n)$, the derived function takes $n$ lists of the same length. For each index, Case picks a value from the list specified by the selection. This function is taken from K4, see the KX documentation.

  0 2 1 1 0'["ABCDE"; "abcde"; "01234"]
  / with n=2 case can be called infix:
  0 1 2 3 4(0 0 1 1 1)'100 101 102 103 104
0 1 102 103 104


An extension to \ and / (both n-do and while). Instead of operating on just the last value, an operand function with $n$ arguments accesses the $n$ previous values. Instead of passing a single seed value, you'll have to pass $n$ seed values. As an example, we use a recurrence relation to compute triangular numbers:

$$ T_n = 3T_{n-1}-3T_{n-2}+T_{n-3} \qquad T_0=0, T_1=1, T_2=3. $$

  / T_0 to T_10
0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
  / first triangular number larger than 1000

Internal Functions

0: and 1: are used for input and output, and 2: for loading shared libraries. But 3: to 5: can also be called, even though they are intended to be internal representation of combinations the interpreter automatically optimizes.

Using these over the two-primitive combinations saves bytes if you combine them with adverbs, e.g. 4:'x, 5:/x, ...


Monadic . does something for all types, not everything documented. I'd recommend just trying it for different inputs to see what happens. Relevant for golfing could be (.x) ~ x for numbers and simple lists of numbers, and (.x) ~ (*x).1_x for nested and mixed type lists.

External resources