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Rankings: Holes

Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python in chars.

# Golfer Points Chars Time
145th rschwa6308 🇺🇸 809 68
145th ehulinsky 🇺🇸 809 68
145th ZoeyKD 809 68
145th yzhs 🇩🇪 809 68
145th mikehanus 809 68
145th shelerr 809 68
145th jtaxen 809 68
145th codingisgreatbutiamnot 809 68
145th alemelis 809 68
145th moustave 809 68
161st EyalLitvin 797 69
161st michelebastione 🇮🇹 797 69
161st TheBlupper 797 69
161st hymanimy 797 69
161st knutae 🇳🇴 797 69
161st fynnkroeger 797 69
161st b10011 🇫🇮 797 69
161st grhkm21 797 69
161st myleopard 797 69
161st jumelet 🇳🇱 797 69
161st badboj40 797 69
161st PATTRIM 797 69
161st 4ndyJ 🇬🇧 797 69
161st m3nt0ras 🇬🇷 797 69
161st Camaendir 797 69
161st marcin7Cd 797 69
161st artieleach 797 69
161st celiendonze 🇨🇭 797 69
161st WillConker 797 69
161st Mikey-Beep 🇬🇧 797 69
161st cros107 797 69
161st Stockoh 🇫🇷 797 69
161st rollershutter 797 69
161st tobyLovick 797 69
161st Glinte 797 69
161st sleepyStick 797 69
161st Pale-Vessel 797 69
161st chartung17 797 69
161st crazymoose77756 797 69
161st jbjd 797 69
161st vhoulbreque 🇫🇷 797 69
161st abc7-12 797 69
161st jiaminglimjm 🇲🇾 797 69
161st cykim8811 797 69
161st unknown25001 797 69
196th scpchicken 🇵🇼 786 70
196th twocatsinatrenchcoat 786 70
196th madex 🇩🇪 786 70
196th glesnick 786 70
196th jhpaques 🇫🇷 786 70
196th MichaelMBradley 🇨🇦 786 70
196th r-benson 🇬🇧 786 70
196th hellwue 786 70
196th nayakrujul 786 70
196th DrPiranoid 786 70
196th adoxography 786 70
196th IshanPanpaliya 786 70
196th PatrickStephansen 🇿🇦 786 70
196th Wildst 786 70
196th midnattssol 🇸🇪 786 70
196th RaBa21 786 70
196th j-Ewan 786 70
196th mathisfun271 786 70
196th smokestacklightnin 🇺🇸 786 70
196th DonCharlesLambert 786 70
196th dillon-duncando 786 70
196th Emutis 🇱🇹 786 70
218th mebens 775 71
218th aeonsablaze 775 71
218th shibacho 🇯🇵 775 71
218th Troon 775 71
218th eshilo-draper 775 71
218th drewburr 775 71
218th estomagordo 🇳🇱 775 71
218th Bodo171 775 71