


9 / 114 Holes


1 / 61 Langs


6 / 78 Cheevos


oeL87 earned ๐Ÿท Aged like Fine Wine
Lydxn solved Arabic to Roman in Coconut
Lydxn solved Leap Years in Common Lisp
Lydxn solved Tutorial in C
Lydxn solved Tutorial in Python
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Common Lisp
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Julia
Lydxn solved Diamonds in Dart
Lydxn solved Diamonds in PHP
Lydxn solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C
Lydxn solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in C
Lydxn solved ROT13 in Ruby
Lydxn solved ROT13 in Python
Lydxn solved Fibonacci in C
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers (Long) in PHP
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers in PHP
Lydxn solved Fibonacci in AWK
Lydxn solved ๐‘’ in Java
Lydxn solved โˆš2 in Java
Lydxn solved Quine in Civet
Lydxn solved Collatz in Civet
Lydxn solved Spelling Numbers in Coconut
Lydxn solved Ordinal Numbers in Coconut
Lydxn solved Fizz Buzz in Civet
Lydxn solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Civet
Lydxn solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Civet
Lydxn solved Divisors in Civet
Lydxn solved Evil Numbers in Wren
Lydxn solved Leap Years in Civet
Lydxn solved Evil Numbers in OCaml
Lydxn solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Civet
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers in Civet
Lydxn solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Civet
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers in Civet
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Civet
Lydxn solved Evil Numbers in Civet
Lydxn solved Pernicious Numbers in Civet
Lydxn solved Fibonacci in Civet
Lydxn solved Catalan Numbers in Civet
Lydxn solved Niven Numbers in Civet
Lydxn solved Morse Decoder in Coconut
Lydxn solved Morse Decoder in Python
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Raku
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Ruby
Lydxn solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Coconut
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
Lydxn solved Transpose Sentence in Python
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers in Assembly
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Python
Lydxn earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
Lydxn earned ๐Ÿฑ Omniglutton
Lydxn solved Zodiac Signs in Coconut
Lydxn solved Zodiac Signs in Python
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Coconut
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Python
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Go
Lydxn solved Arabic to Roman in JavaScript
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Lua
Lydxn solved Levenshtein Distance in Coconut
Lydxn solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in R
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in Coconut
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers in AWK
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers (Long) in AWK
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers in PHP
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers (Long) in PHP
Lydxn solved Christmas Trees in Julia
Lydxn solved ISBN in Julia
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in JavaScript
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Java
Lydxn solved N Queens in Ruby
Lydxn solved N Queens in Coconut
Lydxn solved N Queens in Python
Lydxn solved Fibonacci in Rockstar
oeL87 solved ฯ€ in Java
oeL87 earned ๐Ÿฆฅ Slowcoach
Lydxn solved Fractions in C++
oeL87 solved Happy Numbers in Java
oeL87 solved Fractions in Java
Lydxn solved Quine in Zig
Lydxn solved Prime Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Pernicious Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Odious Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Niven Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Happy Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Fibonacci in Zig
Lydxn solved Emirp Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Evil Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved Abundant Numbers in Zig
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in C
Lydxn solved Abundant Numbers in C
Lydxn solved Happy Numbers in C
Lydxn solved United States in Coconut
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Ruby
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in PHP
Lydxn solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PHP
Lydxn solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Crystal
oeL87 solved Fizz Buzz in Java
oeL87 solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Java