


0 / 114 Holes


0 / 61 Langs


1 / 78 Cheevos


sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in Rust
sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in R
sisyphus-ppcg earned ๐Ÿฅฐ Hugs and Kisses
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tic-tac-toe in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in PowerShell
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in SQL
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in sed
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in AWK
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fibonacci in Gleam
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fibonacci in Assembly
sisyphus-ppcg solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in SQL
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fizz Buzz in SQL
sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in AWK
sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in Scheme
sisyphus-ppcg solved Pernicious Numbers in V
sisyphus-ppcg solved ROT13 in Raku
sisyphus-ppcg solved ROT13 in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved ROT13 in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved ROT13 in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved ROT13 in sed
sisyphus-ppcg solved ROT13 in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ’ฏ Centenarian
sisyphus-ppcg solved Roman to Arabic in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Tutorial in Bash
sisyphus-ppcg solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fractions in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved CSS Colors in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Card Number Validation in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved ISBN in Bash
sisyphus-ppcg solved Card Number Validation in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Day of Week in Tcl
sisyphus-ppcg earned ๐ŸŽˆ Neunundneunzig Luftballons
sisyphus-ppcg solved Card Number Validation in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
sisyphus-ppcg solved ๐‘’ in C
sisyphus-ppcg solved Number Spiral in Coconut
sisyphus-ppcg solved PalindromemordnilaP in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Niven Numbers in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved ๐‘’ in AWK
sisyphus-ppcg solved ๐‘’ in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Happy Numbers (Long) in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Divisors in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fibonacci in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Leap Years in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Pernicious Numbers in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Day of Week in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Happy Numbers in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Niven Numbers (Long) in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fizz Buzz in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Niven Numbers in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Pangram Grep in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Prime Numbers in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in jq
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fizz Buzz in Civet
sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in Civet
sisyphus-ppcg solved Pernicious Numbers in Civet
sisyphus-ppcg solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Civet
sisyphus-ppcg solved Niven Numbers in Civet
sisyphus-ppcg solved Ordinal Numbers in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Reversi in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
sisyphus-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in GolfScript
sisyphus-ppcg earned โ˜ฃ๏ธ Biohazard
sisyphus-ppcg solved Christmas Trees in Python
sisyphus-ppcg earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
sisyphus-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in JavaScript
sisyphus-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
sisyphus-ppcg solved Zeckendorf Representation in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg earned ๐Ÿฑ Omniglutton
sisyphus-ppcg solved brainfuck in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Roman to Arabic in R
sisyphus-ppcg solved Kolakoski Constant in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Reversi in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Quine in Zig
sisyphus-ppcg solved Arabic to Roman in R
sisyphus-ppcg solved ฯ† in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Day of Week in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Lucky Numbers in R
sisyphus-ppcg solved Maze in Perl
sisyphus-ppcg solved Roman to Arabic in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Factorial Factorisation in R
sisyphus-ppcg solved CSS Colors in Coconut
sisyphus-ppcg solved Fibonacci in Rockstar
sisyphus-ppcg solved Odious Numbers in Rockstar
sisyphus-ppcg solved Evil Numbers in Rockstar
sisyphus-ppcg solved Lucky Tickets in Perl