


27 / 109 Holes


3 / 58 Langs


15 / 75 Cheevos


Mathrew2012 solved ASCII Table in C++
Mathrew2012 earned πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday, Code Golf
Mathrew2012 solved Quine in C++
Mathrew2012 solved √2 in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Christmas Trees in brainfuck
Mathrew2012 solved Christmas Trees in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Prime Numbers in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Time Distance in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Catalan Numbers in Python
Mathrew2012 solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Cubes in Python
Mathrew2012 earned 2 achievements: 🌈 πŸƒ
Mathrew2012 earned 🌈 Different Strokes
Mathrew2012 earned πŸƒ Blackjack
Mathrew2012 solved ASCII Table in Python
Mathrew2012 earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
Mathrew2012 solved 12 Days of Christmas in Python
Mathrew2012 earned 6 achievements: 🍺 πŸͺž 🐍 πŸ‰ 🍞 🎸
Mathrew2012 earned 🍺 The Watering Hole
Mathrew2012 earned πŸͺž Solve Quine
Mathrew2012 earned 🐍 Ouroboros
Mathrew2012 earned πŸ‰ It’s Over 9000!
Mathrew2012 earned 🍞 Baker’s Dozen
Mathrew2012 earned 🎸 Up to Eleven
Mathrew2012 solved Rijndael S-box in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Quine in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Odious Numbers in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Niven Numbers in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Leap Years in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Intersection in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Fractions in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Fizz Buzz in brainfuck
Mathrew2012 solved Fizz Buzz in Python
Mathrew2012 earned 5 achievements: πŸ’Ό πŸ¦₯ πŸ‘οΈ 🏌️ πŸ‘‹
Mathrew2012 earned πŸ’Ό Interview Ready
Mathrew2012 earned πŸ¦₯ Slowcoach
Mathrew2012 earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
Mathrew2012 earned 🏌️ Fore!
Mathrew2012 earned πŸ‘‹ Hello, World!
Mathrew2012 solved Fibonacci in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Evil Numbers in brainfuck
Mathrew2012 solved Evil Numbers in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Emojify in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Divisors in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Diamonds in Python
Mathrew2012 solved Cubes in brainfuck