Rankings: Languages

Python in chars.

# Hole Medal
1st 99 Bottles of Beer 🥉
2nd Abundant Numbers 🥈
3rd Arithmetic Numbers 🥉
4th ASCII Table 🥈
5th brainfuck 🥉
6th Christmas Trees 🥈
7th Collatz 🥈
8th Cubes 🥉
9th Diamonds 🥈
10th Fizz Buzz 🥉
11th Foo Fizz Buzz Bar 🥈
12th Hexdump 🥉
13th Jacobi Symbol 🥉
14th Kolakoski Constant 🥉
15th Mahjong 🥈
16th Maze 🥉
17th Medal Tally 🥉
18th Morse Encoder 🥈
19th N Queens 🥉
20th Proximity Grid 🥈
21st QR Decoder 🥉
22nd Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard 🥉
23rd Roman to Arabic 🥉
24th Seven Segment 🥈
25th SI Units 🥇
26th Sudoku 🥉
27th Sudoku v2 🥉
28th Tongue-twisters 🥉
29th Zodiac Signs 🥉
30th λ 🥈