CSS Colors in J in chars. Cheevos Holes Recent Holes Langs Medals Misc All Holes 12 Days of Christmas 24 Game 99 Bottles of Beer Abundant Numbers Abundant Numbers (Long) Arabic to Roman Arithmetic Numbers Arrows Ascending Primes ASCII Table Billiards brainfuck Card Number Validation Catalan Numbers Catalan’s Constant Christmas Trees Collatz CSS Colors Cubes Day of Week DFA Simulator Diamonds Divisors Emirp Numbers Emirp Numbers (Long) Emojify Evil Numbers Evil Numbers (Long) Factorial Factorisation Farey Sequence Fibonacci Fizz Buzz Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Forsyth–Edwards Notation Fractions Game of Life Gijswijt’s Sequence Happy Numbers Happy Numbers (Long) Hexdump Intersection Inventory Sequence ISBN Jacobi Symbol Kaprekar Numbers Kolakoski Constant Kolakoski Sequence Leap Years Levenshtein Distance Leyland Numbers ln 2 Look and Say Lucky Numbers Lucky Tickets Mahjong Maze Medal Tally Morse Decoder Morse Encoder Musical Chords N Queens Niven Numbers Niven Numbers (Long) Number Spiral Odious Numbers Odious Numbers (Long) Ordinal Numbers PalindromemordnilaP Pangram Grep Partition Numbers Pascal’s Triangle Pernicious Numbers Pernicious Numbers (Long) Poker Polyominoes Prime Numbers Prime Numbers (Long) Proximity Grid QR Decoder Quine Recamán Repeating Decimals Reverse Polish Notation Reversi Rijndael S-box Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard Roman to Arabic ROT13 Rule 110 Seven Segment SI Units Sierpiński Triangle Smith Numbers Spelling Numbers Star Wars Opening Crawl Sudoku Sudoku (Fill-in) Ten-pin Bowling Tic-tac-toe Time Distance Tongue-twisters Transpose Sentence United States Vampire Numbers Van Eck Sequence Zeckendorf Representation Zodiac Signs γ λ π τ φ √2 𝑒 Apéry’s Constant Calendar Connect Four CSS Grid Ellipse Perimeters Flags Floyd-Steinberg Dithering Gray Code Decoder Gray Code Encoder Hexagonal Spiral Highly Composite Numbers Hilbert Curve Mandelbrot Minesweeper NFA Simulator Odd Polyomino Tiling p-adic Expansion QR Encoder Quadratic Formula Scrambled Alphabetization Semiprime Numbers Set Snake Sphenic Numbers Star Wars GPT Trinomial Triangle Turtle Tutorial All Languages ><> Assembly AWK Bash BASIC Berry brainfuck C C# C++ Civet Clojure COBOL Coconut Common Lisp Crystal D Dart Elixir F# Factor Forth Fortran Gleam Go GolfScript Haskell Hexagony J Janet Java JavaScript jq Julia K Kotlin Lua Nim OCaml Pascal Perl PHP PowerShell Prolog Python R Raku Rockstar Rockstar 2 Ruby Rust Scheme sed SQL Swift Tcl TeX V VimL Wren Zig 05AB1E ALGOL 68 APL Arturo Befunge BQN CJam CoffeeScript Egel Erlang Fennel Groovy Harbour Hare Haxe Hush Hy iogii Odin Picat Qore Racket Rebol Rexx Scala Squirrel Stax Uiua Vyxal Bytes Chars Scoring Bytes Chars Language All ><> Assembly AWK Bash BASIC Berry brainfuck C C# C++ Civet Clojure COBOL Coconut Common Lisp Crystal D Dart Elixir F# Factor Forth Fortran Gleam Go GolfScript Haskell Hexagony J Janet Java JavaScript jq Julia K Kotlin Lua Nim OCaml Pascal Perl PHP PowerShell Prolog Python R Raku Rockstar Rockstar 2 Ruby Rust Scheme sed SQL Swift Tcl TeX V VimL Wren Zig Experimental Language 05AB1E ALGOL 68 APL Arturo Befunge BQN CJam CoffeeScript Egel Erlang Fennel Groovy Harbour Hare Haxe Hush Hy iogii Odin Picat Qore Racket Rebol Rexx Scala Squirrel Stax Uiua Vyxal Hole All 12 Days of Christmas 24 Game 99 Bottles of Beer Abundant Numbers Abundant Numbers (Long) Arabic to Roman Arithmetic Numbers Arrows Ascending Primes ASCII Table Billiards brainfuck Card Number Validation Catalan Numbers Catalan’s Constant Christmas Trees Collatz CSS Colors Cubes Day of Week DFA Simulator Diamonds Divisors Emirp Numbers Emirp Numbers (Long) Emojify Evil Numbers Evil Numbers (Long) Factorial Factorisation Farey Sequence Fibonacci Fizz Buzz Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Forsyth–Edwards Notation Fractions Game of Life Gijswijt’s Sequence Happy Numbers Happy Numbers (Long) Hexdump Intersection Inventory Sequence ISBN Jacobi Symbol Kaprekar Numbers Kolakoski Constant Kolakoski Sequence Leap Years Levenshtein Distance Leyland Numbers ln 2 Look and Say Lucky Numbers Lucky Tickets Mahjong Maze Medal Tally Morse Decoder Morse Encoder Musical Chords N Queens Niven Numbers Niven Numbers (Long) Number Spiral Odious Numbers Odious Numbers (Long) Ordinal Numbers PalindromemordnilaP Pangram Grep Partition Numbers Pascal’s Triangle Pernicious Numbers Pernicious Numbers (Long) Poker Polyominoes Prime Numbers Prime Numbers (Long) Proximity Grid QR Decoder Quine Recamán Repeating Decimals Reverse Polish Notation Reversi Rijndael S-box Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard Roman to Arabic ROT13 Rule 110 Seven Segment SI Units Sierpiński Triangle Smith Numbers Spelling Numbers Star Wars Opening Crawl Sudoku Sudoku (Fill-in) Ten-pin Bowling Tic-tac-toe Time Distance Tongue-twisters Transpose Sentence United States Vampire Numbers Van Eck Sequence Zeckendorf Representation Zodiac Signs γ λ π τ φ √2 𝑒 Experimental Hole Apéry’s Constant Calendar Connect Four CSS Grid Ellipse Perimeters Flags Floyd-Steinberg Dithering Gray Code Decoder Gray Code Encoder Hexagonal Spiral Highly Composite Numbers Hilbert Curve Mandelbrot Minesweeper NFA Simulator Odd Polyomino Tiling p-adic Expansion QR Encoder Quadratic Formula Scrambled Alphabetization Semiprime Numbers Set Snake Sphenic Numbers Star Wars GPT Trinomial Triangle Turtle Tutorial # Golfer Points Chars Time 1st ovs-code 🇩🇪 1,000 226 14 Apr 2023 2nd AshyIsMe 🇦🇺 528 428 14 Apr 2023 3rd nickspoons 🇳🇿 453 499 15 Apr 2023 4th Bubbler-4 400 565 8 Dec 2021 5th SirBogman 🇺🇸 398 568 26 Aug 2022 6th lynn 336 673 24 Oct 2021 7th Natanaelel 🇸🇪 246 918 10 Feb 2024 8th 4hg 🇺🇸 208 1,088 28 Jan 2023 9th MeWhenI 🇻🇦 59 3,857 20 Jun 2021 10th KatieLG 🇬🇧 56 4,048 31 May 2021 1–10 of 10