KatieLG (she/her) 🇬🇧





114 / 114 Holes


61 / 61 Langs


76 / 78 Cheevos




Happy Birthday, Code Golf

Solve any hole on 2 Oct.

Earned 336 golfers (3%)


Hugs and Kisses

Solve Tic-tac-toe on 14 Feb.

Earned 117 golfers (1%)


Independence Day

Solve United States on 4 Jul.

Earned 207 golfers (1%)


May the 4ᵗʰ Be with You

Solve Star Wars Opening Crawl on 4 May.

Earned 158 golfers (1%)


Pi Day

Solve π on 14 Mar.

Earned 247 golfers (2%)



Solve 12 Days of Christmas during 25 Dec – 5 Jan.

Earned 468 golfers (4%)


Vampire Byte

Solve Vampire Numbers on 31 Oct.

Earned 233 golfers (2%)

[ 7 / 7 ] Date Specific

Like, Comment, Subscribe

Vote for (or against) an idea.

Earned 504 golfers (4%)

My God, It’s Full of Stars

Star the Code Golf repository.

Earned 950 golfers (8%)


Patches Welcome

Contribute a merged PR to the Code Golf repository.

Earned 93 golfers (0%)

[ 3 / 3 ] GitHub

Interview Ready

Solve Fizz Buzz.

Earned 6,326 golfers (59%)



Solve Game of Life in Elixir.

Earned 28 golfers (0%)



Solve ISBN in any three languages that predate ISBN.

Earned 26 golfers (0%)


Assembly Required

Solve Seven Segment in Assembly.

Earned 23 golfers (0%)


Bird Is the Word

Solve Levenshtein Distance in any three of AWK, Prolog, SQL, Swift, Tcl, or Wren.

Earned 23 golfers (0%)


Solve any hole in any two of Civet, Java, or JavaScript.

Earned 528 golfers (4%)



Solve Ten-pin Bowling in COBOL.

Earned 15 golfers (0%)


Dammit, Janet!

Solve Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Janet.

Earned 28 golfers (0%)


ElePHPant in the Room

Solve any hole in PHP.

Earned 919 golfers (8%)


Emergency Room

Solve 𝑒 in R.

Earned 105 golfers (0%)


Evil Scheme

Solve Evil Numbers or Evil Numbers (Long) in Scheme.

Earned 50 golfers (0%)


Fish ’n’ Chips

Solve Poker in ><>.

Earned 8 golfers (0%)


Go Forth!

Solve any hole in both Go and Forth.

Earned 110 golfers (1%)



Solve Happy Numbers and Lucky Numbers in Go.

Earned 75 golfers (0%)


Hextreme Agony

Solve Hexdump in Hexagony.

Not yet earned 8 golfers (0%)



Solve brainfuck in brainfuck.

Earned 22 golfers (0%)



Solve Diamonds in Crystal and Ruby.

Earned 77 golfers (0%)


Just Kidding

Solve any hole in both J and K.

Earned 116 golfers (1%)


Mary Had a Little Lambda

Solve λ in any three of Clojure, Coconut, Common Lisp, Haskell, or Scheme.

Earned 60 golfers (0%)



Solve Sudoku or Sudoku (Fill-in) in Hexagony.

Not yet earned 3 golfers (0%)



Solve Quine in Python.

Earned 818 golfers (7%)



Solve Pangram Grep in languages whose combined names form a pangram.

Earned 36 golfers (0%)


S-box 360

Solve Rijndael S-box in any Microsoft language.

Earned 70 golfers (0%)


Solve Quine

Solve Quine

Earned 1,422 golfers (13%)


Sounds Quite Nice

Solve Musical Chords in any three of C, C#, D, or F#.

Earned 23 golfers (0%)


Tim Toady

Solve any hole in both Perl and Raku.

Earned 278 golfers (2%)


Under Pressure

Solve Pascal’s Triangle in Pascal.

Earned 104 golfers (0%)


Solve Factorial Factorisation in Factor.

Earned 43 golfers (0%)

[ 26 / 28 ] Hole/Lang Specific

Aged like Fine Wine

Leave a passing solution alone for one year.

Earned 8,767 golfers (82%)



Add a bio to your profile.

Earned 170 golfers (1%)


Black-box Testing

Solve an experimental hole. Or solve any hole in an experimental language.

Earned 602 golfers (5%)


Different Strokes

Solve any hole using different bytes and chars solutions.

Earned 955 golfers (8%)


Double-slit Experiment

Solve an experimental hole in an experimental language.

Earned 120 golfers (1%)



Solve any hole in a dozen different languages.

Earned 324 golfers (3%)



Solve any hole in two dozen different languages.

Earned 191 golfers (1%)



Solve any hole in three dozen different languages.

Earned 119 golfers (1%)



Solve any hole in four dozen different languages.

Earned 80 golfers (0%)


Real Programmers

Real programmers solve any hole in VimL while using the Vim keymap.

Earned 122 golfers (1%)


rm -rf

Delete a solution.

Earned 193 golfers (1%)



Visit the About page.

Earned 3,865 golfers (36%)



Fail any hole by exceeding the time limit.

Earned 4,100 golfers (38%)



Solve a hole in each of the six categories.

Earned 586 golfers (5%)



Export your Code Golf Data.

Earned 548 golfers (5%)



Submit a solution that is rejected for being too long.

Earned 409 golfers (3%)

[ 16 / 16 ] Miscellaneous

Hello, World!

Solve your first hole.

Earned 9,982 golfers (93%)



Solve your fourth hole.

Earned 3,709 golfers (34%)


Up to Eleven

Solve your eleventh hole.

Earned 1,680 golfers (15%)


Baker’s Dozen

Solve your thirteenth hole.

Earned 1,455 golfers (13%)


The Watering Hole

Solve your nineteenth hole.

Earned 1,028 golfers (9%)



Solve your twenty-first hole.

Earned 934 golfers (8%)


Rule 34

Solve your thirty-fourth hole.

Earned 557 golfers (5%)


Forty Winks

Solve your fortieth hole.

Earned 477 golfers (4%)



Solve your forty-second hole.

Earned 454 golfers (4%)



Solve your fiftieth hole.

Earned 363 golfers (3%)


Gone in 60 Holes

Solve your sixtieth hole.

Earned 290 golfers (2%)


Cunning Linguist

Solve your sixty-ninth hole.

Earned 243 golfers (2%)


Phileas Fogg

Solve your eightieth hole.

Earned 185 golfers (1%)



Solve your eighty-sixth hole.

Earned 162 golfers (1%)


Right On!

Solve your ninetieth hole.

Earned 147 golfers (1%)


Neunundneunzig Luftballons

Solve your ninety-ninth hole.

Earned 117 golfers (1%)



Solve your hundredth hole.

Earned 114 golfers (1%)


Busy Beaver

Solve your one hundred and seventh hole.

Earned 84 golfers (0%)


Disappearing Act

Solve your eleventy-first hole.

Earned 60 golfers (0%)

[ 19 / 19 ] Total Holes

Big Brother

Earn 1,984 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.

Earned 3,924 golfers (36%)


It’s Over 9000!

Earn over 9,000 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.

Earned 1,300 golfers (12%)


Twenty Kiloleagues

Earn 20,000 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.

Earned 614 golfers (5%)


Marathon Runner

Earn 42,195 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.

Earned 252 golfers (2%)



Earn 57,005 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.

Earned 166 golfers (1%)

[ 5 / 5 ] Total Points