May the 4แตสฐ Be with You
Solve Star Wars Opening Crawl on 4 May.
Not yet earned 158 golfers (1%)
[ 0 / 6 ] Date Specific
Patches Welcome
Contribute a merged PR to the Code Golf repository.
Not yet earned 88 golfers (0%)
[ 0 / 3 ] GitHub
Bird Is the Word
Solve Levenshtein Distance in any three of AWK, Prolog, SQL, Swift, Tcl, or Wren.
0 / 3 23 golfers (0%)
Solve any hole in any two of Civet, Java, or JavaScript.
Not yet earned 518 golfers (4%)
Evil Scheme
Solve Evil Numbers or Evil Numbers (Long) in Scheme.
Not yet earned 42 golfers (0%)
Mary Had a Little Lambda
Solve ฮป in any three of Clojure, Coconut, Common Lisp, Haskell, or Scheme.
0 / 3 54 golfers (0%)
Solve Pangram Grep in languages whose combined names form a pangram.
0 / 26 35 golfers (0%)
[ 1 / 28 ] Hole/Lang Specific
Black-box Testing
Solve an experimental hole. Or solve any hole in an experimental language.
Not yet earned 514 golfers (4%)
Different Strokes
Solve any hole using different bytes and chars solutions.
Not yet earned 921 golfers (8%)
Double-slit Experiment
Solve an experimental hole in an experimental language.
Not yet earned 94 golfers (0%)
Real Programmers
Real programmers solve any hole in VimL while using the Vim keymap.
Not yet earned 120 golfers (1%)
[ 2 / 16 ] Miscellaneous
[ 1 / 19 ] Total Holes
Big Brother
Earn 1,984 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.
957 / 1,984 3,854 golfers (37%)
Itโs Over 9000!
Earn over 9,000 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.
957 / 9,001 1,276 golfers (12%)
Twenty Kiloleagues
Earn 20,000 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.
957 / 20,000 599 golfers (5%)
Marathon Runner
Earn 42,195 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.
957 / 42,195 243 golfers (2%)
Earn 57,005 total points in either bytes or chars scoring.
957 / 57,005 156 golfers (1%)