

Aiming to get every hole, lang and cheevo. Wish me luck.

98 / 114 Holes


61 / 61 Langs


63 / 78 Cheevos


Day of Week in Nim in Chars Play Hole

15th in Nim and 590th overall.

Last tested .

Bytes Chars Submitted
74 74
76 76
77 77
79 79
272 272
282 282
283 283
286 286
288 288
294 294
299 299
301 301
304 304
310 310
316 316
326 326
329 329
331 331
333 333
343 343
349 349
380 380
402 402
422 422
426 426
428 428
434 434
479 479
504 504
521 521
522 522
529 529
661 661
719 719