mousetail 🇳🇱


If you like to golf in ><>, you might want to check out my [fish debugger](

71 / 113 Holes


9 / 61 Langs


34 / 78 Cheevos


Holes Authored

Mahjong in Rust in Chars Play Hole

1st in Rust and 38th overall.

Last tested .

Bytes Chars Submitted
319 319
311 311
311 311
318 318
321 321
329 329
339 339
340 340
341 341
367 367
369 369
370 370
371 371
379 379
390 390
395 395
396 396
402 402
406 406
407 407
409 409
410 410
412 412
414 414
416 416
418 418
420 420
438 438
452 452
453 453
454 454
455 455
462 462
463 463
466 466
467 467
470 470
486 486
488 488
490 490
491 491
494 494
502 502
503 503
507 507
516 516
527 527
542 536
546 540
547 541
548 542
550 544
558 552
576 570
595 589
642 636
644 638
650 644
657 657
661 661
670 670
688 688
690 690
693 693
708 708
714 714
728 728
885 885
990 888
1,084 982
1,096 994
1,100 998
1,102 1,000
1,129 1,027
1,151 1,049
1,153 1,051
1,154 1,052
1,171 1,069
1,210 1,108
1,232 1,130
1,242 1,140
1,251 1,149
1,254 1,152
1,256 1,154
1,283 1,181
1,291 1,189
1,299 1,197
1,302 1,200
1,307 1,205
1,314 1,212
1,315 1,213
1,323 1,221
1,405 1,303
1,597 1,495