The N Queens hole will go live in . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?



78 / 102 Holes


3 / 55 Langs


23 / 67 Cheevos


Time Distance in Python in Bytes Play Hole

70th in Python and 318th overall.

Bytes Chars Submitted
304 304
310 310
313 313
315 315
318 318
319 319
321 321
324 324
328 328
329 329
332 332
333 333
334 334
335 335
337 337
338 338
340 340
344 344
348 348
357 357
359 359
360 360
361 361
363 363
366 366
368 368
370 370
374 374
380 380
386 386
390 390
391 391
393 393
394 394
404 404
408 408
413 413
459 459
464 464
471 471
480 480
487 487
491 491
499 499
509 509
518 518
524 524
600 600
639 639
654 654
682 682
742 742
802 802
819 819